Everything you need to understand women's orgasms-what works, what doesn't and why: There are tons of books filled with advice about orgasms, but many women find their relentless cheerleading lacks an honest discussion of their real needs.
Mikaya Heart changes all that. The Ultimate Guide to Orgasm for Women is a forthright and comprehensive exploration of female sexuality. Normalizing all women's experiences, Mikaya Heart provides the information, permission and support women need to enhance their own fulfillment. Owning our desires should be neither embarrassing nor uncomfortable. Nor should they be subject to anyone else's moral judgment of what is right or wrong, good or bad, normal or abnormal. Combining communication and information is the key. By shrugging off the taboos against talking about our preferences and experiences when we're being sexual, we will take the first and most important steps toward ensuring our own fulfillment.
The Ultimate Guide to Orgasm for Women is an unflinchingly honest, responsible, and thoroughly comprehensive exploration of female sexuality. Topics include: The physical types of orgasm, such as electrical, flying, pounding, deep, waves, and blips; orgasm as an emotional release; the "elusive orgasm" and why some women have difficulty having one; how often we fake them and why; masturbation; multiple orgasms; the male-female dichotomy; penetration and the G-spot; defining the erotic; and the joy of sex toys.
Author: Mikaya Heart, Violet Blue
Publisher: Cleis Press
Binding: Paperback
Length: 345 Pages
Mikaya Heart (www.mikayaheart.org) grew up in a rural part of Scotland. She developed a deep love of nature from an early age, which sustained her through a difficult childhood. At York University, long before the environmental movement had started, she studied ecology. Unable to accept how disrespectfully our planet is being treated, she dropped out, finding herself most at home in the radical hippie culture of the seventies. In 1978, she came out as a lesbian, and in the same year, trained as an agricultural mechanic. Disillusioned with the homophobia and sexism in the UK, she immigrated to Northern California, where she ran an organic market garden, raised pigs, and built her own house out of recycled lumber in the backwoods.
She is a keen writer and has always worked hard at her personal healing, often using shamanic methods. Since she was sexually abused as a child, this led to a book on women's sexuality - When the Earth Moves: Women and Orgasm, published in 1998. Sex, at its best, is a profoundly shamanic activity, so this fitted well with the belief systems she was developing. Several of her short stories, and one other book - The Straight Woman's Guide to Lesbianism - have also been published. She has two books coming out this year - one on the Art of Being Human, and the other on her travels in Indonesia and Thailand.
Mikaya started studying earth-based spiritual practices with a variety of teachers in the eighties. The concepts of shamanism came to her easily as a result of her personal growth work and her ease with the rhythms of nature. She has always had an obsession with truth, and over the years, that crystallized into existential questions, such as, what or who am I? Who put me here on this planet, and why? She found answers to those questions through AMAG, a number of non-physical beings who speak through Dayana Jon.
A horse riding accident at the age of 48 turned out to be the first step in a "shamanic break" which led to profound changes. She sold all her property, in order to be absolutely free, and took off traveling on her own, visiting Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, Hawaii, Mexico, North America, the Caribbean, and Brazil. She finds it essential to spend time alone in nature, feeling the being-ness of a place, and consequently her traveling is usually about camping in the wilderness. One of her most memorable experiences was an eight day solo kayak trip in Prince William Sound, Alaska.
Her favorite pastimes are dancing, singing, horse-riding, and kitesurfing, all of which she experiences as deeply spiritual. She now identifies most strongly as a marveling mystic, since she has a very powerful awareness of herself as a being of spirit, and is constantly amazed at the extraordinary beauty of this world. Kitesurfing is her greatest passion. She has become the woman who follows the wind, intent on experiencing the delight of dancing with water and air whenever she can.
Violet Blue is a trained sex educator, Violet lectures to human sexuality students at San Francisco State University, UC Berkeley, and to trainees at the national sex crisis and information hotline San Francisco Sex Information. She lives in San Francisco.
Violet Blue, the sex columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle, and is also the bestselling author of six books on sex and sexuality: The Smart Girl's Guide to Porn, The Adventurous Couple's Guide to Sex Toys, The Ultimate Guide to Fellatio, The Ultimate Guide to Cunnilingus, The Ultimate Guide to Adult Videos, and The Ultimate Guide to Sexual Fantasy; the editor of six erotica collections: Sweet Life, Sweet Life 2, Taboo, Lips Like Sugar, Best Women's Erotica 2006, and Best Women's Erotica 2007; and the editor of Best Sex Writing 2005, all published by Cleis Press. Violet also writes about erotica, pornography, and sexual pleasure and health for various magazines, and she is the creator of the popular podcast Open Source Sex.
Visit Violet Blue online at http://www.tinynibbles.com